First summer school on Quantum programming for secondary school students
Lviv Quantum Computing Center team organized the summer school on quantum programming for secondary schools students. It was for the first time in Ukraine.
The event took place at the Lviv University in the last week of June and was organized by the Lviv Regional Junior Academy together with the Lviv Univercity Faculty of Physics.
The school brought together children of grades 8-11 who are interested in quantum computers and their superpowers, which are really impressive: already today, special problems are solved with the help of quantum calculations hundreds of millions of times faster than on the most powerful classical computers we are used to . The nature of the world on a micro scale allows us to talk about quantum parallelism (the processing of a large amount of information at the same time using quantum technologies), quantum advantage (the execution of tasks on quantum computers faster than on classical ones).
In addition to lecture material, during practical and laboratory work, schoolchildren gained practical skills in the basics of classical programming (Python) and quantum programming on IBM quantum computers. During the entire Summer School, an atmosphere of curiosity, inquisitiveness and enthusiasm prevailed at the Physics Faculty. Schoolchildren showed a great desire to understand the quantum world and features of quantum programming, to learn new things.
At the end of the event, the children presented their projects. Students learned to create quantum protocols to find an unknown number. And they also tried themselves as artists, creating quantum embroidery, paintings and music. The sounds of the piano, bandura, violin and organ rang out in the auditoriums of the faculty. School participants were happy! This was evidenced by their happy eyes and good feedback about the event!